Alerting Rule with link to Discover

Hi Guys,
I'm trying to get my head around the following:

Is it possible to have a Discover Link included in the E-Mail Alert?

The Use-Case is as following:
Whenever I receive an Alert over the Mail Connector, I'd like to have a Link in that E-Mail that leads me directly to Discover and displays all of the entries regarding this Alert.
I do believe something similar has existed? If this still does work, whats the Field name I have to place in the Alert-Mail?

Thanks for the help in Advance!

Hi @_Thomas,

Welcome to the community! I'm not aware of a way to add the link to the discover menu with parameters. Have you looked at the email attachment feature to see if sending a generated dashboard report as an attachment would work for you?

Let us know!

Hi @carly.richmond
Thanks for the swift reply.

I've had a quick glance at your Article - this however is sadly not what I'm looking for. I do believe in an older Version of Elasticsearch there was a possibility to add the Discover Link with the Timeframe from when the Alert triggered.

I might be wrong, though.

Thanks for confirming. I did find this old thread from 2016 that suggests having the link as metadata and then invoking the property in the email body.

Is that closer to what you need?

This looks more promising - appreciate that! :slight_smile:

Looking through the attached github Link - it seems that this is either a Feature Request or something you guys aren't supporting for long.

Do you happen to know, whether or not something like that will make it into a future (major/minor) release? I guess I'm probably not the only one, interested in that feature/function :sweat_smile:

Hi @_Thomas,

Do you mean the issue for adding documentation of the RISON format?

I see that issue has been closed due to inactivity, but there is a bit about interacting with that format here in the documentation and also in this forum post.

Hope that helps!

yes that was the Link I was referring to.

I'll have a closer look into the Documentation as well as the other Link you've posted.

I appreciate the help on that one :slight_smile: