All fields should at least contain one term and all terms should be present


How can I query documents where all fields should at least contain one term and all terms should be present ?

Suppose I have this index

PUT /test_query
 "mappings": {
  "properties": {
    "firstname": {
      "type": "text"
     "lastname": {
      "type": "text"

And these documents :

POST /test_query/_doc
  "firstname": "Will Smith",
  "lastname": "Will Smith"

POST /test_query/_doc
  "firstname": "Will",
  "lastname": "Smith"

I want to query documents where all fields (firstname, lastname) should at least contain one of these terms :

Will, Smith

I ran this query :

GET /test_query/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match" : {
      "query": "WILL SMITH",
      "fields": [ "firstname", "lastname" ]

And it returns all the documents which is normal but if I run this query :

GET /test_query/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match" : {
      "query": "WILL SMITH TEST",
      "fields": [ "firstname", "lastname" ]

It should give me an empty result instead of all documents because there is no TEST in all fields (firstname, lastname)

I believe you want to use the cross_fields type for that query.

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Yes, it works, thanks

It doesn't work in nested fields

It works when the field not nested but what about nested fields?

Did you try wrapping the cross fields query in a nested query?

Yes I did

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