Always timeout for ping and cluster node stats

In es 2.3.5 the cluster has five nodes.Just start them and always pops the timeouts in logs, I dont know why.Firts is not the GC.GC is very low.I think maybe the problem is shield and marvel? So I tick this topic and want to get help.

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[2016-09-22 13:24:33,478][DEBUG][action.admin.cluster.node.stats] [q1den2nres101] failed to execute on node [NMpHYOMcQ7OUruj2p2SLpw]

[2016-09-22 12:53:39,850][WARN ][shield.transport ] [q1den2nres101] Received response for a request that has timed out, sent [44211ms] ago, timed out [14210ms] ago, action [internal:discovery/zen/fd/ping], node [{q1den2nres105}{4BczsyGLSmeaXfTosAsX1w}{}{}], id [367854]

[2016-09-22 14:09:35,344][DEBUG][ ] [q1den2nres101] [3656] Failed to execute query phase
RemoteTransportException[[q1den2nres104][][indices:data/read/search[phase/query+fetch/scroll]]]; nested: SearchContextMissingException[No search context found for id [3656]];
Caused by: SearchContextMissingException[No search context found for id [3656]]

[2016-09-22 14:09:35,347][ERROR][shield.authc.esnative ] [q1den2nres101] error occurred while checking the native users for changes
Failed to execute phase [query_fetch], all shards failed; shardFailures {RemoteTransportException[[q1den2nres104][][indices:data/read/search[phase/query+fetch/scroll]]]; nested: SearchContextMissingException[No search context found for id [3656]]; }
Caused by: RemoteTransportException[[q1den2nres104][][indices:data/read/search[phase/query+fetch/scroll]]]; nested: SearchContextMissingException[No search context found for id [3656]];
Caused by: SearchContextMissingException[No search context found for id [3656]]

[2016-09-22 18:04:56,011][WARN ][shield.transport ] [q1den2nres102] Received response for a request that has timed out, sent [50024ms] ago, timed out [20023ms] ago, action [internal:discovery/zen/fd/master_ping], node [{q1den2nres101}{0hm2kRvqSDexAkQn2orLNg}{}{}], id [163984]

[2016-09-23 11:30:38,851][TRACE][discovery.zen.fd ] [q1den2nres104] [master] failed to ping [{q1den2nres103}{5kVVQUnTSuSaXQFZTboveg}{}{}], retry [1] out of [3]
ReceiveTimeoutTransportException[[q1den2nres103][][internal:discovery/zen/fd/master_ping] request_id [37155] timed out after [30000ms]]
at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[2016-09-23 11:31:08,852][TRACE][discovery.zen.fd ] [q1den2nres104] [master] failed to ping [{q1den2nres103}{5kVVQUnTSuSaXQFZTboveg}{}{}], retry [2] out of [3]
ReceiveTimeoutTransportException[[q1den2nres103][][internal:discovery/zen/fd/master_ping] request_id [37185] timed out after [30000ms]]
at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[2016-09-23 11:31:33,040][WARN ][shield.transport ] [q1den2nres104] Received response for a request that has timed out, sent [84189ms] ago, timed out [54189ms] ago, action [internal:discovery/zen/fd/master_ping], node [{q1den2nres103}{5kVVQUnTSuSaXQFZTboveg}{}{}], id [37155]

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Are all your nodes in the same datacentre?

yes,they are. And the problem is resolved. Just because many connections on 9300 port are disconnecting the Es cluster.


I see this problem too, when we are running big queries (> 20 secondes).

Is there something to do with the machine network settings?

Thanks you,

No,but you'd better stop all sniffs from all clients.

I'm getting the same error. Is this something i need to fix the elasticsearch.yaml or filebeat.yaml?