Analytics Queries and pagination

Although pagination is somewhat mentioned in the docs here, it seems like pagination doesn't work like it does in the documents results.

Can we expect to get the total pages and will we be able to request the next pages using the current field?

Hey @Sam_S,

Sorry about that, our paging API is used a bit differently here, which is understandably a bit confusing.

You cannot page in the Analytics API, only adjust the requested "size" of the result set. A value of up to 1,000 can be provided. The "size" value that is returned on the response then represents the total number of results.

POST /api/as/v1/engines/{{engine_name}}/analytics/clicks
    "page": {
        "size": 1000
    "meta": {
        "page": {
            "size": 21,
            "current": 1
    "results": [