[Ann] elasticsearch-security-plugin: Updated for ES 1.x.x and latest EA 0.90.x releases


i'd like to announce a update of the Elasticsearch Security Plugin which
now also works for ES 1.x.x and latest EA 0.90.x releases

It can be found here:
https://github.com/salyh/elasticsearch-security-plugin (early development
stage, not for production yet)

This plugin adds http/rest security functionality to Elasticsearch in kind
of separate modules. Instead of Netty a embedded Tomcat 7 is used to
process http/rest requests.

Currently for user based authentication and authorization Kerberos/SPNEGO
and NTLM are supported through 3rd party library waffle (only on windows
servers). For UNIX servers Kerberos/SPNEGO is supported through tomcat
build in SPNEGO Valve (Works with any Kerberos implementation. For
authorization either Active Directory and generic LDAP is supported).
PKI/SSL client certificate authentication is also supported (CLIENT-CERT
method). SSL/TLS is also supported without client authentication.

You can use this plugin also without Kerberos/NTLM/PKI but then only host
based authentication is available.

As of now two security modules are implemented:
Actionpathfilter: Restrict actions against Elasticsearch on a
coarse-grained level like who is allowed to to READ, WRITE or even ADMIN
rest api calls
Document level security (dls): Restrict actions on document level like who
is allowed to query for which fields within a document

Suggestions, corrections, improvements are very welcome!
Thanks and best regards

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