Ann: Elasticsearch SKOS analysis plugin 1.0.0


I'd like to announce a port of this effort "SKOS support for Apache Lucene
and Solr" which can be found at to

What is SKOS?

The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a model for expressing
controlled structured vocabularies (classification schemes, thesauri,
taxonomies, etc.). As an application of the Resource Description Framework
(RDF), SKOS allows these vocabularies to be published as dereferenceable
resources on the Web, which makes them easy to retrieve and reuse in
applications. SKOS plays a major role in the ongoing Linked Data activities.

SKOS analysis

SKOS for Elasticsearch is an analyzer plugin. It takes existing SKOS
concepts schemes and performs term expansion for given documents and/or

You can found it

Feedback is welcome!

Best regards,



Amazing Jorg,

Im using maui at the minute and was trying to replace it with lucene-skos
just to not use too much "tools". I'm trying to setup this during the week
and I will tell you.
Thanks a lot for this awesome contribution.


El lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012 10:50:00 UTC+2, Jörg Prante escribió:


I'd like to announce a port of this effort "SKOS support for Apache Lucene
and Solr" which can be found at GitHub - behas/lucene-skos: SKOS Support for Apache Lucene and Solr to

What is SKOS?

The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a model for expressing
controlled structured vocabularies (classification schemes, thesauri,
taxonomies, etc.). As an application of the Resource Description Framework
(RDF), SKOS allows these vocabularies to be published as dereferenceable
resources on the Web, which makes them easy to retrieve and reuse in
applications. SKOS plays a major role in the ongoing Linked Data activities.

SKOS analysis

SKOS for Elasticsearch is an analyzer plugin. It takes existing SKOS
concepts schemes and performs term expansion for given documents and/or

You can found it here:
GitHub - jprante/elasticsearch-analysis-skos: SKOS analysis for Elasticsearch

Feedback is welcome!

Best regards,



Hi David,

glad to hear you are interested in semantic text processing. Just FYI, I
have another three ES plugins in the pipeline,
elasticsearch-analysis-stanford-pos with the Stanford Part-of-Speech Tagger
The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group,
elasticsearch-analysis-opennlp wrapping the Apache OpenNLP project and elasticsearch-analysis-uima using the Apache
UIMA project originally from IBM - more info soon...



On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:03:19 PM UTC+2, David G Ortega wrote:

Amazing Jorg,

Im using maui at the minute and was trying to replace it with lucene-skos
just to not use too much "tools". I'm trying to setup this during the week
and I will tell you.
Thanks a lot for this awesome contribution.


El lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012 10:50:00 UTC+2, Jörg Prante escribió:


I'd like to announce a port of this effort "SKOS support for Apache
Lucene and Solr" which can be found at
GitHub - behas/lucene-skos: SKOS Support for Apache Lucene and Solr to Elasticsearch.

What is SKOS?

The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a model for expressing
controlled structured vocabularies (classification schemes, thesauri,
taxonomies, etc.). As an application of the Resource Description Framework
(RDF), SKOS allows these vocabularies to be published as dereferenceable
resources on the Web, which makes them easy to retrieve and reuse in
applications. SKOS plays a major role in the ongoing Linked Data activities.

SKOS analysis

SKOS for Elasticsearch is an analyzer plugin. It takes existing SKOS
concepts schemes and performs term expansion for given documents and/or

You can found it here:
GitHub - jprante/elasticsearch-analysis-skos: SKOS analysis for Elasticsearch

Feedback is welcome!

Best regards,

