Any demo about replaceInjectedVars?

I found a snippet in function getKibanaPayload:

      vars: await reduceAsync(
        async (acc, replacer) => await replacer(acc, request, server),
        defaults(await app.getInjectedVars() || {}, uiExports.defaultInjectedVars)

I have no idea about:

        async (acc, replacer) => await replacer(acc, request, server),

any introduce about injectedVarsReplacers? and what's this ``` async (acc, replacer) => await replacer(acc, request, server)

Hi @whoami,

replaceInjectedVars is a property you can define in the UIExports in your plugin definition. It allows your plugin to make variables available to every application. You can read a bit more about it in the PR description that added the functionality:

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