Any way to get original size for images in Canvas?

When image is imported it gets the dimensions of the placeholder. Any chance I can reset its dimensions to the original image?

As in, once you upload the image, you'd like the element on the workpad to use the original size?

There's not a way to do that, no, but that's a pretty good idea. I'm going to open a feature request for that. I'm thinking a button in the sidebar you can click to set the element's dimensions to the image's dimensions. And also a checkbox on the upload control to "resize on upload" so you can just do it in one shot. Does that sound like it'll do what you want?

As close to a designer tool as batter :smiley:
As designer when I'm trying to implement my design in Kibana's Canvas I would like images to be exact same size in order everything to fit in as I imagine/design it.

You can help by giving us options/tools like:

  • In fill mode add "Original image size" option
  • Button to fit the image to current box
  • Button to fit the box to the current image
  • Options for adding exact dimensions - WIDTH x HEIGHT (not only for images but all elements)
  • Hitting DEL button to delete element
  • Grouping elements would be highly appreciated -> and further that aligning those elements.
  • Undo and Redo are very much anticipated but I guess there is already ticket for this

Checkbox with resize on upload its not very good idea, I'm not sure what will that help since we can already scale the image and it doesnt matters.

Honestly I'm surprised from your fast response :smiley: in a good way of course.
I'm new to Kibana and already got hooked.


  • Options for adding exact dimensions - WIDTH x HEIGHT (not only for images but all elements)

I was thinking about adding that too, will add as another feature request.

  • Hitting DEL button to delete element

That was also added recently, and is in the latest version. It uses backspace, and might also use Del, I don't recall offhand. The original issue says "Delete" for both Mac and PC. I'm on a Mac, and "Delete" is basically backspace, I think on PC it might use the Del key.

  • Grouping elements would be highly appreciated -> and further that aligning those elements.

Coming soon, hopefully. It's being worked on right now.

  • Undo and Redo are very much anticipated but I guess there is already ticket for this

That's been in there for a very long time, it's just kind of hidden. You can use the browser back/forward buttons, but we do plan to add those controls back to the interface since it's not obvious.

Nice to hear this. Thanks.

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