APM install

My current usage of the Elastic stack requires that I keep the files needed to run Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana in a zipped file. When someone wishes to use my deployment they simply unzip it and run a batch script which starts ELK through their respective batch files.

With the addition of Xpack to the Elastic stack in release 6.3.0 I want to take advantage of the APM features. I am unsure if I am able to include the features without installing it as a service. Can APM fit into my use case?


To leverage APM features, You need to add one more binary (APM Server) to your ZIP and make some changes to your batch file.

You can find APM Server related documentation here and you can download APM Server from here

Also, you need to integrate language specific APM Agent into your application. Documentation for language agents can be found here.

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