Kibana version: 6.6.2
Elasticsearch version:6.6.2
APM Server version:6.6.2
APM Agent language and version:6.6.2
Browser version: Curl request?
Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: docker images
Fresh install or upgraded from other version? fresh
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant):
The basic node / express script I wrote should follow this path
curl -> service_one -> service_two
The request appear as separate entities in the APM area of kibana. After reading the documentation I was expecting that the calls would be correlated as a single trace.
I have tried to use as basic config as possible but cannot seem to get it to match up/
Steps to reproduce:
1.Run default docker images in elaticsearch, apm and kibana
2. Run 'npm start 8000' in one window
3. Run 'npm start 8001 in another window
4. Run 'curl http://localhost:8000/one' in a third window
Errors in browser console (if relevant):
Provide logs and/or server output (if relevant):
adding hook to Node.js module loader
shimming http@10.13.0 module
shimming http.Server.prototype.emit function
shimming http.request function
shimming http.ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead function
shimming finalhandler@1.1.1 module
shimming express@4.16.4 module
shimming express.Router.use function
shimming express.static function
copying property mime from express.static
shimming express.Router.Layer.handle function
shimming express.Router.Layer.handle function
shimming express.Router.Layer.handle function
shimming express.Router.Layer.handle function
no active transaction found - cannot build new span
intercepted call to http.request { id: null }
intercepted request event call to http.Server.prototype.emit
start trace { trans: 'fd38b472359048e2',
parent: undefined,
trace: 'c2d20168cff87ef22217a1931eeb6579',
name: null,
type: null }
setting transaction result { trans: 'fd38b472359048e2',
parent: undefined,
trace: 'c2d20168cff87ef22217a1931eeb6579',
result: 'HTTP 2xx' }
setting default transaction name: GET /one { trans: 'fd38b472359048e2',
parent: undefined,
trace: 'c2d20168cff87ef22217a1931eeb6579' }
sending transaction { trans: 'fd38b472359048e2',
trace: 'c2d20168cff87ef22217a1931eeb6579' }
ended transaction { trans: 'fd38b472359048e2',
parent: undefined,
trace: 'c2d20168cff87ef22217a1931eeb6579',
type: 'request',
result: 'HTTP 2xx',
name: 'GET /one' }
$ npm start 8001
> tmp@1.0.0 start C:\tmp
> node server.js "8001"
adding hook to Node.js module loader
shimming http@10.13.0 module
shimming http.Server.prototype.emit function
shimming http.request function
shimming http.ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead function
shimming finalhandler@1.1.1 module
shimming express@4.16.4 module
shimming express.Router.use function
shimming express.static function
copying property mime from express.static
shimming express.Router.Layer.handle function
shimming express.Router.Layer.handle function
shimming express.Router.Layer.handle function
shimming express.Router.Layer.handle function
no active transaction found - cannot build new span
intercepted call to http.request { id: null }
intercepted request event call to http.Server.prototype.emit
start trace { trans: '064933f61b6dc2bb',
parent: undefined,
trace: 'da04d720eb64993fdea244657eaf612b',
name: null,
type: null }
setting transaction result { trans: '064933f61b6dc2bb',
parent: undefined,
trace: 'da04d720eb64993fdea244657eaf612b',
result: 'HTTP 2xx' }
setting default transaction name: GET /two { trans: '064933f61b6dc2bb',
parent: undefined,
trace: 'da04d720eb64993fdea244657eaf612b' }
sending transaction { trans: '064933f61b6dc2bb',
trace: 'da04d720eb64993fdea244657eaf612b' }
ended transaction { trans: '064933f61b6dc2bb',
parent: undefined,
trace: 'da04d720eb64993fdea244657eaf612b',
type: 'request',
result: 'HTTP 2xx',
name: 'GET /two' }