[apm]The java-agent only provides the request information to the apm-service, and the dependency is empty

Kibana version:
Elasticsearch version:
APM Server version:
APM Agent language and version:
java 1.35.0

What can I do to make them show?

I have at least used mysql in this java project, can I show the dependency of mysql as in this python project

This is not enough info.
When you look into your traces, do you see those MySQL queries?

For example, in the following trace, there is a H2 span:

If you see such MySQL spans within your traces, then click on the SQL span and it will open a flyout:

Then use the "View span in Discover" link to get the span document and share it.

If you don't see any DB span, verify that your are using supported technologies and if you are, look in your agent log and see if there's anything interesting there.


Thanks for providing those details.

From what I see in the provided document:

  • the observer.version is 7.17.8, thus it means that the apm-server that wrote this document is consistent with the stack.
  • there is no span.service.target.* fields, which were added in 7.16.0 and should be inferred by apm-server when not sent by the agent
  • the span.destination.service.resource field is set to mysql/wetech_admin, so the apm-server should have properly inferred the values of span.service.target.{type,name}, it should have been the same when using an older agent that did not send those new fields.

Are you using any custom ingest pipeline that could maybe interfere ?

As far as I know use custom ingest pipeline need register the pipeline, I haven't done that
I provided debug logs for apm-agent, Do you need more information?

This problem has been bothering me, and I am willing to provide more useful information to solve this problem @Sylvain_Juge


After checking with the APM server team, I was wrong about the span.service.target.* fields that have been added only in 8.3.0 or 8.4.0, and not in 7.16.0 as I initially wrote, sorry for this wrong analysis.

So, going back to your issue description:

  • you can see the dependency in the service dependencies and the map.
  • the issue is that you have an "empty" view when opening this dependency.

I am not familiar with how this view is built in Kibana, but it very probably relies on metrics that are computed from the agent data.
The information captured by the agent (here a span) seems correct.

I don't read chinese, what time frame did you picked for the last screenshot ?
It may sound obvious but worth to check, do you have the same by using a large one like "the last 2 months" ?

The previous screenshots were from the last seven days
Below are screenshots from the last 15 minutes and the last 2 months

You can be sure that mysql services are visible throughout the span

I'm using an open source project that you can find on github

Hi @ntmxglrtayl03 ,

I tried to reproduce locally with the provided application, but I did not manage to reproduce it. When using latest agent version (very close to 1.35, I had to use this one to enable the agent with spring-boot:run maven goal) and the same 7.17.8 stack version.

Here is a screenshot of the service dependencies:

It initially took a bit of time (a few seconds) for the data to be available and properly displayed in Kibana.

Hi @Sylvain_Juge , Thank you very much for your help!
I from beginning to end not had dependency information ,But I'm running a different project from github, The dependency information arisened,It's probably related to some config, but I can't find it

The dependencies are created from the spans, thus here as you seem to be able to see the database spans in the Trace view, you should have the corresponding dependencies visible in the service dependencies and the map.

As I have checked with a different application (but that might be close to yours), it should work as expected. The only difference I could see here is your stack deployment.
Is there anything specific for your deployment ? is it on-premises or cloud ? Maybe there is something missing or broken in your deployment that prevents the APM product to work as expected.

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