[apm]A message is displayed indicating that the Remote configuration is not available

Kibana version:
Elasticsearch version:
APM Server version:
APM Agent language and version:
java 1.35.0

A message is displayed indicating that the Remote configuration is not available, But I can still view messages in kibana, except that the dependencies are not visible ,Refer to this question

This is my kibana logs

This is my project logs

2023-01-04 17:07:34.710  INFO 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] t.w.admin.aspect.ControllerLogAspect     : >>> Begin execute Result tech.wetech.admin.controller.RoleController.queryRoleList(), args: []
2023-01-04 17:07:34.710  INFO 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] t.w.admin.aspect.ControllerLogAspect     : >>> Begin execute Result tech.wetech.admin.controller.PermissionController.queryPermissionTree(), args: []
2023-01-04 17:07:34.730 DEBUG 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] t.w.admin.mapper.RoleMapper.selectAll    : ==>  Preparing: SELECT id, role, name, description, status, permission_ids FROM sys_role
2023-01-04 17:07:34.730 DEBUG 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] t.w.a.m.P.selectByExample                : ==>  Preparing: select id, name, type, permission, parent_id, parent_ids, icon, config, status, sort from sys_permission order by sort ASC
2023-01-04 17:07:34.730 DEBUG 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] t.w.admin.mapper.RoleMapper.selectAll    : ==> Parameters: 
2023-01-04 17:07:34.730 DEBUG 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] t.w.a.m.P.selectByExample                : ==> Parameters: 
2023-01-04 17:07:34.772 DEBUG 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] t.w.admin.mapper.RoleMapper.selectAll    : <==      Total: 5
2023-01-04 17:07:34.772  INFO 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] t.w.admin.aspect.ControllerLogAspect     : <<< End execute Result tech.wetech.admin.controller.RoleController.queryRoleList() in 62 ms, return: Result(success=true, code=1000, message=成功, result=[RoleDTO(id=1, role=admin, name=管理员, description=拥有所有权限, status=1, permissionIds=[1, 21, 31, 10, 111, 112, 113, 114, 121, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 134, 40, 139, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]), RoleDTO(id=2, role=guest, name=访客, description=访问人员,只能查询, status=1, permissionIds=[1, 21, 31, 10, 111, 121, 131]), RoleDTO(id=3, role=test, name=测试人员, description=测试的账号, status=1, permissionIds=[1, 21, 31, 10, 111, 112, 113, 114, 121, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 134, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]), RoleDTO(id=4, role=svip, name=SVIP, description=超级会员, status=1, permissionIds=[1, 21, 31, 10, 111, 112, 113, 114, 121, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 134, 133, 40]), RoleDTO(id=5, role=user, name=普通会员, description=普通用户,基本权限, status=1, permissionIds=[21, 43, 47])])
2023-01-04 17:07:34.773 DEBUG 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] t.w.a.m.P.selectByExample                : <==      Total: 31
2023-01-04 17:07:34.773  INFO 20100 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] t.w.admin.aspect.ControllerLogAspect     : <<< End execute Result tech.wetech.admin.controller.PermissionController.queryPermissionTree() in 63 ms, return: Result(success=true, code=1000, message=成功, result=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=1, name=仪表盘, type=1, permission=dashboard, parentId=0, parentIds=0/, icon=dashboard, config={"meta": {"icon": "dashboard", "show": true, "title": "仪表盘"}, "name": "dashboard", "redirect": "/dashboard/workplace", "component": "RouteView"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=2, name=工作台, type=1, permission=workspace, parentId=1, parentIds=0/1/, icon=null, config={"meta": {"show": true, "title": "工作台"}, "name": "workplace", "component": "Workplace"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=21, name=工作台查看, type=2, permission=workspace:view, parentId=2, parentIds=0/1/3/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[])]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=3, name=分析页, type=1, permission=analysis, parentId=1, parentIds=0/1/, icon=null, config={"meta": {"show": true, "title": "分析页"}, "name": "analysis", "component": "Analysis"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=31, name=分析页查看, type=2, permission=analysis:view, parentId=3, parentIds=0/1/4, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[])]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=140, name=test, type=1, permission=test_string, parentId=1, parentIds=0/1/, icon=question, config=null, status=1, sort=3, children=[])]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=10, name=用户管理, type=1, permission=user:mgr, parentId=0, parentIds=0/10/, icon=user, config={"meta": {"icon": "user", "show": true, "title": "用户管理"}, "name": "user", "redirect": "/user/system-user", "component": "PageView"}, status=1, sort=1, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=13, name=权限列表, type=1, permission=permission:view, parentId=10, parentIds=0/10/, icon=tool, config={"meta": {"icon": "tool", "show": true, "title": "权限列表"}, "name": "permission-list", "component": "PermissionList"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=134, name=权限删除, type=2, permission=permission:delete, parentId=13, parentIds=0/10/13/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=133, name=权限修改, type=2, permission=permission:update, parentId=13, parentIds=0/10/13/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=132, name=权限新增, type=2, permission=permission:create, parentId=13, parentIds=0/10/13/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=131, name=权限查看, type=2, permission=permission:view, parentId=13, parentIds=0/10/13/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[])]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=12, name=角色列表, type=1, permission=role:view, parentId=10, parentIds=0/10/, icon=team, config={"meta": {"icon": "team", "show": true, "title": "角色列表"}, "name": "role-list", "component": "RoleList"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=124, name=角色删除, type=2, permission=role:delete, parentId=12, parentIds=0/10/12/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=123, name=角色修改, type=2, permission=role:update, parentId=12, parentIds=0/10/12/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=122, name=角色新增, type=2, permission=role:create, parentId=12, parentIds=0/10/12/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=121, name=角色查看, type=2, permission=role:view, parentId=12, parentIds=0/10/12/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[])]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=11, name=用户列表, type=1, permission=user:view, parentId=10, parentIds=0/10/, icon=user, config={"meta": {"icon": "user", "show": true, "title": "用户列表"}, "name": "user-list", "component": "UserList"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=114, name=用户删除, type=2, permission=user:delete, parentId=11, parentIds=0/10/11/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=113, name=用户修改, type=2, permission=user:update, parentId=11, parentIds=0/10/11/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=112, name=用户新增, type=2, permission=user:create, parentId=11, parentIds=0/10/11/, icon=null, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=111, name=用户查看, type=2, permission=user:view, parentId=11, parentIds=0/10/11/, icon=question, config=null, status=1, sort=0, children=[])])]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=40, name=账号管理, type=1, permission=account, parentId=0, parentIds=0/, icon=user, config={"meta": {"icon": "user", "show": true, "title": "账号管理"}, "name": "account", "redirect": "/account/center", "component": "RouteView"}, status=1, sort=100, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=42, name=个人设置, type=1, permission=account:settings, parentId=40, parentIds=0/40/, icon=user, config={"meta": {"icon": "user", "show": true, "title": "个人设置", "hideHeader": true, "hideChildren": true}, "name": "settings", "redirect": "/account/settings/base", "component": "AccountSettings"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=47, name=新消息通知, type=1, permission=account:notification, parentId=42, parentIds=0/40/42/, icon=null, config={"meta": {"title": "新消息通知", "keepAlive": true}, "path": "/account/settings/notification", "component": "NotificationSettings"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=46, name=账户绑定, type=1, permission=account:binding, parentId=42, parentIds=0/40/42/, icon=, config={"meta": {"icon": "", "title": "账户绑定", "keepAlive": true}, "path": "/account/settings/binding", "component": "BindingSettings"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=45, name=个性化设置, type=1, permission=account:custom, parentId=42, parentIds=0/40/42/, icon=user, config={"meta": {"icon": "user", "title": "个性化设置", "keepAlive": true}, "path": "/account/settings/custom", "component": "CustomSettings"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=44, name=安全设置, type=1, permission=account:security, parentId=42, parentIds=0/40/42/, icon=null, config={"meta": {"title": "安全设置", "keepAlive": true}, "name": "security", "path": "/account/settings/security", "component": "SecuritySettings"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=43, name=基本设置, type=1, permission=account:base, parentId=42, parentIds=0/40/42/, icon=user, config={"meta": {"icon": "user", "title": "基本设置", "keepAlive": true}, "path": "/account/settings/base", "component": "BaseSettings"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[])]), PermissionTreeDTO(id=41, name=个人中心, type=1, permission=account:center, parentId=40, parentIds=0/40/, icon=user, config={"meta": {"icon": "user", "show": true, "title": "个人中心"}, "name": "center", "component": "AccountCenter"}, status=1, sort=0, children=[PermissionTreeDTO(id=139, name=个人中心查看, type=2, permission=userinfo:center:view, parentId=41, parentIds=0/40/41/, icon=question, config={}, status=1, sort=0, children=[])])])])
2023-01-04 17:10:45,878 [elastic-apm-remote-config-poller] ERROR co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.ApmServerConfigurationSource - Remote configuration is not available. Check the connection between APM Server and Kibana.
2023-01-04 17:15:45,978 [elastic-apm-remote-config-poller] ERROR co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.ApmServerConfigurationSource - Remote configuration is not available. Check the connection between APM Server and Kibana.
2023-01-04 17:20:46,071 [elastic-apm-remote-config-poller] ERROR co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.ApmServerConfigurationSource - Remote configuration is not available. Check the connection between APM Server and Kibana.
2023-01-04 17:25:46,152 [elastic-apm-remote-config-poller] ERROR co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.ApmServerConfigurationSource - Remote configuration is not available. Check the connection between APM Server and Kibana.
2023-01-04 17:30:46,242 [elastic-apm-remote-config-poller] ERROR co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.ApmServerConfigurationSource - Remote configuration is not available. Check the connection between APM Server and Kibana.
2023-01-04 17:35:46,329 [elastic-apm-remote-config-poller] ERROR co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.ApmServerConfigurationSource - Remote configuration is not available. Check the connection between APM Server and Kibana.
2023-01-04 17:40:46,403 [elastic-apm-remote-config-poller] ERROR co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.ApmServerConfigurationSource - Remote configuration is not available. Check the connection between APM Server and Kibana.
2023-01-04 17:45:46,504 [elastic-apm-remote-config-poller] ERROR co.elastic.apm.agent.configuration.ApmServerConfigurationSource - Remote configuration is not available. Check the connection between APM Server and Kibana.

My options set


Note that there is still a prompt if this option is not set

This is related to the ability to centrally configure APM Agents through Kibana - when you are using a standalone deployment of the APM Server, there is an additional step required in order to unlock this feature, which is to define a Kibana endpoint within your APM Server configuration. If you don't want to do that and want these messages to go away, configure -Delastic.apm.central_config=false.

The bootstrap checks have nothing to do with that

You should also fix your application_packages configuration - it should contain a root package of your application code, not a single class.

In general, I strongly suggest that you thoroughly go over our docs. They are quite good and may spare you a lot of trial-and-error time.

Good luck!

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