App Search Accuracy Match Results


I would like to ask can the Search UI be configured the searching results component to display the accuracy match of the result?

Probably something like above image from Relevance Tuning in App Search, but it shows accuracy percentage instead of the score.

The top result should have higher percentage for example 90% accuracy match with the searching.

Can I configure that in the React library maybe?

Hey @aisyaharifin

In Search UI, you should be able to access the _meta field for each hit which provides you the score. How do you want the percentage to be calculated?


Hey @joemcelroy ,

I'm not sure how the percentage is calculated but maybe the accuracy match with the search results?

How do I access the _meta field? Is it from my config?

export function stripUnnecessaryResultFields(resultFields) {
  return Object.keys(resultFields).reduce((acc, n) => {
    if (
    ) {
      return acc;

Thank you for your assistance.

Im assuming you are overriding the display of results via the resultView prop.

Ive given an example here of this. See CustomView component sad-shadow-c5egik - CodeSandbox

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