Sure, it's worth noting too that I am using a slight variation of pdf-parse called pdf-parse-debugging-disabled due to a different error I had earlier.
This is my journey, I have looped it for checking different values but I do get the same push error when I try to just push this journey without the loop.
const { journey } = require("@elastic/synthetics");
import { environmentUrls } from "../../utils/scripts/environmentUrls";
import { loadPageCookies } from "../../utils/pageObjectModel/common/cookies";
import { getBrandPrefix } from "../../utils/scripts/getBrandPrefix";
import { assertWarrantyLightBoxIsCorrect } from "../../utils/pageObjectModel/productPage";
import { assertPdfContentIsCorrect } from "../../utils/pageObjectModel/productPage";
const brands = ["very"];
const insuranceProducts = ["repair","replace","screen"];
const documentTypes = ["ipid","termsConditions","furtherRelevantInfo"];
const products =
"repair": "/1600406124.prd",
"repair_monthly": "/1600406124.prd",
"replace": "/1600488041.prd",
"furniture": "/1600292792.prd",
"screen": "/1600930565.prd"
for (const brand of brands) {
for (const documentType of documentTypes) {
for (const insuranceProduct of insuranceProducts) {
const product = products[insuranceProduct];
if ((insuranceProduct == 'furniture' || insuranceProduct == 'screen') && (documentType == 'furtherRelevantInfo')) {
name: `${getBrandPrefix(brand)} | FS | ` + insuranceProduct + ` ` + documentType + ` PDF contains the correct text `,
tags: ["fs", brand],
async ({ page }) => {
loadPageCookies(page, environmentUrls[brand].baseUrl + product);
assertPdfContentIsCorrect(page, brand, documentType, insuranceProduct);
This is the productPage.js file where I am importing and using the pdf-parse module.
`import pdf from "pdf-parse-debugging-disabled"
import pdf2 from "pdf-parse-debugging-disabled/lib/pdf.js/v1.10.100/build/pdf"
import { furnitureIpidText, repairIpidText, repair_monthlyIpidText, replaceIpidText, screenIpidText } from "../../resources/very/pdfText/ipidText";
import { downloadInsurancePdfDocument } from "../handlers/downloadHandler";
import { repairLightboxText, repair_monthlyLightboxText, replaceLightboxText, screenLightboxText, furnitureLightboxText } from "../../resources/very/insuranceText/lightboxText/lightboxText";
import { furnitureTermsConditionsText, repairTermsConditionsText, repair_monthlyTermsConditionsText, replaceTermsConditionsText, screenTermsConditionsText } from "../../resources/very/pdfText/termsConditionsText";
import { repairFurtherRelevantInfoText, repair_monthlyFurtherRelevantInfoText, replaceFurtherRelevantInfoText } from "../../resources/very/pdfText/furtherRelevantInfoText";
const { step, expect } = require("@elastic/synthetics");
const selectors = {
productOptions: {
productOptionsList: ".productOptionsList",
warrantyFindOutMore: ".warrantyFindOutMore"
warrantyLightbox: {
warrantyOptionExplained: ".warrantyOptionExplained",
warrantyLightBoxText: ".productWarrantyContent",
monthlyRepairLightboxText: ".monthlySection",
standardRepairLightBoxText: ".standardSection",
ipidDownloadLink: "",
fixedTermInsuranceTab: "#fixedTab"
module.exports.assertWarrantyLightBoxIsCorrect = function (page, insuranceProduct) {
step("Click on find out more in the warranty section", async () => {
expect((await page.$(selectors.productOptions.warrantyFindOutMore)) !== null);
await page.locator(selectors.productOptions.warrantyFindOutMore).click();
await page.locator(selectors.warrantyLightbox.warrantyOptionExplained).isVisible();
step("Assert that the actual lightbox text matches the expected text", async () => {
var actualText;
var expectedText;
switch (insuranceProduct) {
case 'repair': expectedText = repairLightboxText
case 'repair_monthly': expectedText = repair_monthlyLightboxText
case 'replace': expectedText = replaceLightboxText
case 'screen': expectedText = screenLightboxText
case 'furniture': expectedText = furnitureLightboxText;
if (insuranceProduct == 'repair') {
actualText = await page.locator(selectors.warrantyLightbox.standardRepairLightBoxText).first().textContent();
} else if (insuranceProduct == 'repair_monthly') {
actualText = await page.locator(selectors.warrantyLightbox.monthlyRepairLightboxText).first().textContent();
} else {
actualText = await page.locator(selectors.warrantyLightbox.warrantyLightBoxText).first().textContent();
expect(actualText.replace(/\s+/g, '')).toEqual(expectedText.replace(/\s+/g, ''));
module.exports.assertPdfContentIsCorrect = function (page, brand, documentType, insuranceProduct) {
step("Click on find out more in the warranty section", async () => {
expect((await page.$(selectors.productOptions.warrantyFindOutMore)) !== null);
await page.locator(selectors.productOptions.warrantyFindOutMore).click();
await page.locator(selectors.warrantyLightbox.warrantyOptionExplained).isVisible();
// if (insuranceProduct == 'repair') {
// await page.locator(selectors.warrantyLightbox.fixedTermInsuranceTab).click();
// }
step("Download the PDF and check it matches the expected document for: " + documentType, async () => {
const expectedPdfPath = "resources/" + brand + "/" + documentType + "/" + insuranceProduct + "_" + documentType + ".pdf";
var expectedPdf;
switch (insuranceProduct) {
case 'repair':
if (documentType == 'ipid') expectedPdf = repairIpidText;
if (documentType == 'termsConditions') expectedPdf = repairTermsConditionsText;
if (documentType == 'furtherRelevantInfo') expectedPdf = repairFurtherRelevantInfoText;
case 'repair_monthly':
if (documentType == 'ipid') expectedPdf = repair_monthlyIpidText;
if (documentType == 'termsConditions') expectedPdf = repair_monthlyTermsConditionsText;
if (documentType == 'furtherRelevantInfo') expectedPdf = repair_monthlyFurtherRelevantInfoText;
case 'replace':
if (documentType == 'ipid') expectedPdf = replaceIpidText;
if (documentType == 'termsConditions') expectedPdf = replaceTermsConditionsText;
if (documentType == 'furtherRelevantInfo') expectedPdf = replaceFurtherRelevantInfoText;
case 'screen':
if (documentType == 'ipid') expectedPdf = screenIpidText;
if (documentType == 'termsConditions') expectedPdf = screenTermsConditionsText;
case 'furniture':
if (documentType == 'ipid') expectedPdf = furnitureIpidText;
if (documentType == 'termsConditions') expectedPdf = furnitureTermsConditionsText;
var result = await downloadAndComparePdf(page,formatDocumentType(documentType),expectedPdf);
const formatDocumentType = function (documentType) {
switch (documentType) {
case 'ipid': return 'IPID';
case 'termsConditions': return 'Terms and Conditions';
case 'furtherRelevantInfo': return 'Further Relevant Information';
const downloadAndComparePdf = async function (page, documentType, expectedPdf) {
try {
const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent('download', { timeout: 5000 }); // Option 1: Increased timeout
await page.getByRole("link")
.filter({ hasText: documentType })
await downloadPromise; // Wait for the download event to complete
const download = await downloadPromise; // Reusing the promise, as it already resolved
const readStream = await download.createReadStream();
readStream.on('end', () => {
console.log("Stream ended");
readStream.on('error', (error) => {
console.error('Error in stream:', error);
return 'error in stream';
// Convert the stream to a buffer
const chunks = [];
for await (const chunk of readStream) {
const pdfBuffer = Buffer.concat(chunks);
// Parse the PDF buffer
const data = await pdf(pdfBuffer);
if(data.text.replace(/\s+/g, '') == expectedPdf.replace(/\s+/g, '')){
return true;
return 'PDF didnt match';
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error during PDF parsing:", error.message || error);
return error.message;