Assistance Multiplying 2 SQL Variables in Canvas


I'm trying to multiply 2 variables together in Canvas using tiny math. My Elastic version is 7.9.

I started with this as an example (which works fine):

| demodata
| var_set "val1" value=2
| var_set "val2" value=3
| var_set "result" value={math {string "multiply( " {var "val1"} ", " {var "val2"} " )"}}
| markdown "Test: " {var "result"}
| render

What I'd like to get working is this following (I simplified my real SQL for ease of troubleshooting):

| demodata
| var_set "val1" value={essql query="SELECT 1+3"}
| var_set "val2" value={essql query="SELECT 1+6"}
| var_set "result" value={math {string "multiply( " {var "val1"} ", " {var "val2"} " )"}}
| markdown "Test: " {var "result"}
| render

This, however, gives me the following error:

Expression failed with the message:
[var_set] > [math] > [string] > Can not cast 'datatable' to any of
'string, number, boolean'

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


You need to get the cell from the SQL result set using getCell function

Thanks for your response.

I'm sure I have the syntax incorrect because it's giving me a similar error.

| demodata
| var_set "val1" value={essql query="SELECT 1+3 AS foo" | getCell "foo"}
| var_set "val2" value={essql query="SELECT 1+6 AS bar" | getCell "bar"}
| var_set "result" value={math {string "multiply( " {var "val1"} ", " {var "val2"} " )"}}
| markdown "Test: " {var "result"}
| render

Are you sure that select 1+3 results In a number that is stored in the cell?
Did you checked that with debug?

The number is stored in the cell but debug shows the number in a text field. Could that be my problem? Do I need to somehow change the field to a numeric?

| essql query="SELECT 1+3 AS foo"
| math "foo"
| render as="debug"

This gives:

   "text": "4"

I got this working by dropping "filters".

var_set "val1" value={essql query="SELECT 1+3 AS foo" | getCell "foo"}
| var_set "val2" value={essql query="SELECT 1+6 AS bar" | getCell "bar"}
| var_set "result" value={math {string "multiply( " {var "val1"} ", " {var "val2"} " )"}}
| markdown "Test: " {var "result"}
| render

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