Authorization Exception - Kibana connecting to Ngnix

Authorization Exception - Kibana connecting to Ngnix
[error][status][plugin:elasticsearch@6.2.4] Status changed from yellow to red - Authorization Exception

Nginx is configured to proxy the requests to elasticsearch with basic auth and access control list using lua.. here is the nginx config looks like:
auth_basic "Restricted Content";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
access_by_lua_file '/etc/nginx/authorize.lua';
location / {
proxy_pass http://elasticsearch;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "Keep-Alive";
proxy_set_header Proxy-Connection "Keep-Alive";

Kibana configured to connect to nginx host, here is the config looks like
elasticsearch.url: "https://*****:443"
#elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none
elasticsearch.username: "user"
elasticsearch.password: "****"

have identified the problem only when using lua, Kibna can authenticate fine if I remove "access_by_lua_file" config in nginx config..

Can some one enlight what could be the problem, I would need to use the lua for access based on roles..

Sounds like it could be a problem in the Lua file itself. What does authorize.lua look like?

Here's a blog post about nginx and Elasticsearch, which includes an example Lua file.

this my my authorize.lua.. I am also using cerebro to connect using the same nginx host url and auth credentials which works fine..

-- authorization rules
local restrictions = {
all = {
["^/$"] = { "HEAD" }
user = {
["^/$"] = { "GET" },
["^/?[^/]/?anywherehelp/contacts/"] = { "GET", "POST", "PUT", "HEAD" },
["/_aliases"] = { "GET" },
["/_cluster."] = { "GET" }
admin = {
/?[^/]/_bulk"] = { "GET", "POST" },
/?[^/]/_refresh"] = { "GET", "POST" },
/?[^/]/?[^/]/_create"] = { "GET", "POST" },
["^/?[^/]/?[^/]/?[^/]/_update"] = { "GET", "POST" },
/?[^/]/?."] = { "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE" },
["^/?[^/]/?[^/]$"] = { "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE" },
["/_aliases"] = { "GET", "POST" }
-- get authenticated user as role
local role = ngx.var.remote_user
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, role)
-- exit 403 when no matching role has been found
if restrictions[role] == nil then
ngx.header.content_type = 'text/plain'
ngx.log(ngx.WARN, "Unknown role ["..role.."]")
ngx.status = 403
ngx.say("403 Forbidden: You don't have access to this resource.")
return ngx.exit(403)
-- get URL
local uri = ngx.var.uri
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, uri)
-- get method
local method = ngx.req.get_method()
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, method)
local allowed = false
for path, methods in pairs(restrictions[role]) do
-- path matched rules?
local p = string.match(uri, path)
local m = nil
-- method matched rules?
for _, _method in pairs(methods) do
m = m and m or string.match(method, _method)
if p and m then
allowed = true
ngx.log(ngx.NOTICE, method.." "..uri.." matched: "..tostring(m).." "..tostring(path).." for "..role)
if not allowed then
ngx.header.content_type = 'text/plain'
ngx.log(ngx.WARN, "Role ["..role.."] not allowed to access the resource ["..method.." "..uri.."]")
ngx.status = 403
ngx.say("403 Forbidden: You don't have access to this resource.")
return ngx.exit(403)

got the kibana working after modifying the authorize.lua file.. had to allow some additional access for the user to be able to authenticate.. here are the lines

user = {
["^/$"] = { "GET", "HEAD" }, --allowed the HEAD requests

["^/?[^/]/?testindex/contacts/"] = { "GET", "POST", "PUT", "HEAD" },

--below are additional added to allow kibana to be able to authenticate
["^/?[^/]/?[^/]/_nodes*"] = { "GET" },
["^/?[^/]/?[^/]/.kibana/_mappings"] = { "GET" },
["^/?[^/]/?[^/]/.kibana/doc/config:6.2.4"] = { "GET" },
["^/?[^/]/?[^/]/.kibana/_search"] = { "GET", "POST" },
["^/?[^/]/?[^/]/_mapping*"] = { "GET" },
["^/?[^/]/?[^/]/*/_search"] = { "POST" },
-- till here

["/_aliases"] = { "GET" },
["/_cluster."] = { "GET" }

now this works for me, but I wanted to make sure I am not exposing any additional previlages to this users to read / modify the data other then the allowed index (which is testindex/contacts/)..

can you enlight me, if there could be any possible security issues with this setup..

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