Auto complete with filters not working


we are trying to achieve auto complete, which we have achieved by suggest and fuzziness with the edge-ngram. We have roles for specific users and those roles determine whether the user can see specific subsets of a document. Is there anyway we can implement auto complete with filters? and also since Context Suggestion is deprecated is there something which will replace it?

we are on elasticsearch version: 6.4
java version: 1.8
Os Version: Centos 7

Scenario: we have two documents in an index:
"NAME" : "xxxx",
"SUBJECT": "yyy"
"NAME" : "xxxxxxx",
"SUBJECT": "yxxyy"

User1 has access to NAME and User2 has access to SUBJECT and USER3 has access to both, we have a collection built off of this one which looks like this. the collection would contain all the fields and values of the field. we want to get the values where the roles match for auto completion.

"VALUE": "xxxxxxx",
"ROLES": ["Admin", "Agent"]
"VALUE": "xxx",
"ROLES": ["Admin", "Agent"]

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