Auto Filter by Brand

I'm running ES 7.3.

have a query where a user can search a list of machines by two fields, brand and name . I am using an ngram search on the name fields so that similar matches will be found. I want my query to work in such a way that if there is a match on the field, I would like to automatically filter by that matched brand. Say I have a brand of "Walmart" and someone types "Walmart bicycle". I would want that query to ensure that all returned records have a brand of "Walmart". Here is my current query which allows for manual filtering but won't auto select filters. Will this require an original query on a list of Brands and then another query on the actual products containing the filter if it was found?

query: {

function_score: {
        bool: {
            must: {
                         fields: ['name^10', 'name.ngram^5',"^10", "^5"],
                         type: "most_fields", #was bool_prefix
                         query: "#{params[:q]}",
            should: ranges[:must],
                    must: filters
    field: "popularity",
    modifier: "log1p",
    factor: 1
boost_mode: "sum"


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