Auto login with authentication api 6.7.1

I have Kibana hosted in unix server. But we dont have access to the server. we have login details to the kibana application. So now i want to display the dashboard without manually logging in everytime. So i tried to connect with login api through proxy and i get 204 status code with sid as set-cookie header. But still the application is going to login page when i redirect it to dashboard.

Can you please help me with this. Thanks in advance.

probably you can see if embedding the dashboard in an iframe would work for you? Here are some related posts to show you how to achieve that .


Yes i tried that. And it goes to login page directly. Is there a way to login in background and goto the dashboard once after logging in.

I tried some topics here but am not able to directly hit the login from html due to cors issue. So i tried to have my own api and from there i tried hitting the login api. But still it didnt work. Can you help me with this scenario.

Kibana - skip login page may be might give you some ideas? Please try and let us know


Hello, thanks for quick response.

The situation here is, i don't have access to the kibana.yml file or nginx config file so we are not able to set the reverse proxy or allow cors.

I have only user details, can i login in the background using the user details i have rather than manually enterring user credentials everytime i want to view the dashboard.

@Larry - need ur inputs here


Hi @rashmi, could you pls help me with this. I am using normal html and node js for proxy api call. Do you want me to share any code for that ?

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