Hi folks!
I'm attempting to automate Dashboards and Alerts for a team within my company. This involves creating a MS Teams Connector. I have written a bash script that posts the Connector NDJSON to the Saved Objects endpoint via curl.
I had some problems initially, as Saved Objects exported from Kibana do not contain secrets or sensitive information. Here's an example of the exported Connector (formatted for readability):
"attributes": {
"actionTypeId": ".teams",
"config": {},
"isMissingSecrets": true,
"name": "MS Teams Connector"
"coreMigrationVersion": "8.4.3",
"id": "redacted",
"migrationVersion": {
"action": "8.3.0"
"references": [],
"type": "action",
"updated_at": "2022-12-07T12:09:25.255Z",
"version": "redacted"
"excludedObjects": [],
"excludedObjectsCount": 0,
"exportedCount": 1,
"missingRefCount": 0,
"missingReferences": []
Uploading this exported NDJSON resulted in the following error in the Kibana GUI:
1 connector has sensitive information that require updates.
After some digging around, I found the following PR on elastic/kibana which hinted at a secrets field which was missing from my exported NDJSON.
I modified my existing NDJSON body and added the following:
"attributes": {
"secrets": {
"webhookUrl": "redacted"
"isMissingSecrets": false,
And this succeeds. The Connector has the webhook.
My question is, is this the intended approach? As I can find little documentation in the REST API documentation focusing on this. If someone has a link to some documentation on this, I'd be ever so happy!