I've installed Azure Repository plugin into my 6.4 ES instance on my Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS box which is hosted inside of a VM in Azure. I'm trying to perform backups and restores using a storage account I created in azure. When I try to set the account and key values I get the following error from the console:
"Exception in thread 'main' java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.keystore".
I've tried running on sudo and still the same error.
Provided below is an the error when I try to set the account value from a txt file and the permissions set on the /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.keystore, /etc/elasticsearch and /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin folders.
See the images above.
The first one is the permissions on the file permissions within the /etc/elasticsearch folder and the second is the folder permissions for elasticsearch.
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