Hi all,
this is a follow-up to my question Timeline bar chart in kibana.
I'm creating a timeline bar chart. Since there is no direct way to do this in kibana/canvas I've used a workaround - plot a series of bars with fixed height - only the color of the changes based on values in the data. (As proposed by Joe in the link above)
I would like to change the width of these bars. Idealy, so they wold fill the gaps in between them.
Here is the expression I'm using to create this chart:
| timelion
query=".es(index=jsstatus, metric=max:jsstatus, timefield=serverTime).fit(carry)" interval="auto"
| pointseries x="@timestamp" color="value" y=1
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle bars="1" lines=0 points=0 color="#000000"} yaxis=false
font={font family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" size=14 align="left" color="#FFFFFF" weight="normal" underline=false italic=false} seriesStyle={seriesStyle label="4" color="#b83c6f"}
seriesStyle={seriesStyle label="3" color="#1785b0"}
seriesStyle={seriesStyle label="2" color="#c19628"}
seriesStyle={seriesStyle label="1" color="#3f9939"} legend=false
| render containerStyle={containerStyle border="0px " padding="0px" overflow="visible"} css=" "
Changing the value in bars="1" does not seem to make any difference.
Thanks for any help