Best method for exact matches only

We currently use elastic search for our magento storefront. We are a B2B style company and our customers search for very specific terms and skus when using our site. We have set all our items up with a number of meta_keywords and all items have a unique sku. We want our search engine to only return exact matches to the search query and not display items that may contain part of a word.

So in example if a customer looks up a sku of 01-11-1111 we want the search results to only show results for that sku not all items that contain 01-11-XXXX. Or if a customer searches gloves we dont want it to return items tagged with "glove box" or "gloves combo" just items tagged with "gloves"

The SKU needs to be mapped as a keyword. When doing the search you need to do a term query.

Does that help you get started on this?

Yes this does help me as a jump of point thank you very much.

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