I'm building a boolean query consisting of two parts joined with
"should": text_phrase_prefix (for the street name) and term (for the
house number).
How can I boost first part to give higher score to hits with right
street name?
I've tried adding high "boost" in text_phrase_prefix, adding low boost
in terms, wrapping them in custom_boost_factor query... no effect at
Score remains nearly the same for all hits.
What could I did wrong?
Thank you!
Could you post an example of a query that didn't work for you?
On Friday, June 15, 2012 11:22:56 AM UTC-4, Alexander Sviridov wrote:
I'm building a boolean query consisting of two parts joined with
"should": text_phrase_prefix (for the street name) and term (for the
house number).
How can I boost first part to give higher score to hits with right
street name?
I've tried adding high "boost" in text_phrase_prefix, adding low boost
in terms, wrapping them in custom_boost_factor query... no effect at
Score remains nearly the same for all hits.
What could I did wrong?
Thank you!