Buckets_path parameter percents throws error

I have written a watch program which uses percentile to calculate the 90th percentile of the aggregated data and when plotted against threshold,it should alert if its crossing the threshold. The percents parameter contains [90.0] in the array..But, am getting an error while executing the watch.

error: Failed to execute watch input

reason: "SearchPhaseExecutionExeception [all shards failed]; nested : [Parameter [percents] must be an array of doubles, type ArrayList provided instead]; nested : ParseException[Parameter[percents] must be an array of doubles, type ArrayList provided instead]


I have written 90.0 but when I view the watch code after creating the watch,it shows 90 in the array. Is this what the error is specifying saying it must be double, but found ArrayList..How should I overcome this..Please help me out..

GET _cat/shards

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