I am somewhat of a newbie to Kibana. I'm not sure how to calculate percentages.
I tell you my problem with a simple example.
I have candies of different flavors bought in different stores. I have already eaten some of those candies.
My data could be:
STORE --- FLAVOR ---------- BOUGHT ------ EATEN
Store1 --- Lemon ----------10 ------------------ 2
Store1 --- Strawberry ------6 ------------------ 3
Store1 --- Mint ------------- 4 ------------------ 1
Store2 --- Lemon ---------- 5 ------------------ 1
Store2 ---Strawberry------- 6 ------------------ 4
Store3 --- Lemon ----------- 5 ------------------ 3
Store3 ---Strawberry -------8 ------------------ 2
Overall ----------------------- 44 ------------------16
How could you show the percentage of candies eaten out of the total candies bought?
That is: (16*100) / 44 = 36.4%
How could you show the total lemon candies from store1 eaten versus the total candies purchased?
That is: (2*100)/44 =4.5%
How could you show the total number of lemon candies from the store1 eaten versus the lemon candies purchased?
That is: (2*100)/20 =10%
Thanks for your help