Can AWS ElasticSearch Kibana use the APM UI?

AWS ElasticSearch 와 APM Server 를 사용하여 구성을 마쳤지만 AWS 에서 제공하는 Kibana 에서 APM UI 를 사용할 수 없습니다.

AWS 에서 제공하는 Kibana UI 에 APM UI 를 추가 할 수 있습니까?

Elastic Cloud 에서 6.4 버전 이후로 APM UI 를 제공한다고 확인했습니다. (Elastic Cloud Kibana & APM UI) AWS 에도 해당되는 내용입니까?

답변을 기다립니다. 감사합니다.



finished configuring with AWS ElasticSearch and APM Server, but i can not use the APM UI with Kibana from AWS.

Can I add the APM UI to the Kibana UI provided by AWS?

I have confirmed that the Elastic Cloud has provided the APM UI since version 6.4. (Elastic Cloud Kibana & APM UI)
Does it also apply to AWS?

Waiting for an answer. Thank you.

We do not support that sorry to say.

That's sad. Thank you.

You should definitely look at the Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud, it has that and a whole bunch more functionality included.

It's potentially also cheaper than the AWS service.

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