Can Elasticsearch produce temporary field like Mysql?

In Mysql sql,we can "select id,name,min(price) as min_price from table group by id".This min_price is a temporary field.In Elasticsearch ,How can I do?
"price": "20.00"
"price": "21.00"
"price": "20.00"

I want to get id ,name ,min_price,How Can I do?

There is no such concept in ES, you can only just get the min value -

Thanks for you .But this result is minimum of all documents .I want to get the minimum price of each document.
each document has many price.
I try this .

"query": {
"match_all": {}
"script_fields": {
"min_price": {
"script": {
"inline": "_source.roomType.pricedates.price"
but can not!

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