Can Metricbeat gather "waiting MySQL queries"?

We are troubleshooting an issue and would like to see "waiting MySQL queries" but did not see a metric for this. Is this in the MySQL module?

Could you link / name the exact metric your are looking for? Here is a good overview:

Thank you for the reply. I have some more information.

The command that was run is 'mysqladmin pr'

It returned a table like this:

| 111637 |username | servername | username | Sleep | 0 | | | 0.000 |
| 112065 | username | servername | username | Sleep | 6 | | | 0.000 |
| 112071 | username | servername | username | Sleep | 0 | | | 0.000 |

Is it possible to visualize this?

Unfortunately I don't really know what the values above are? It seems the only value with a major difference to before is 6. Does this column have a header name which indicates which variable it is?

See screenshot from test box.

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