Can not create index pattern "syslog-ng*"

Hi elastic community,

I am currently trying to configure syslog-ng + elastic + kibana.
I have been following while looking at introductory videos for elasticsearch and kibana.
I am stuck at creating an index pattern.
I am supposed to create "syslog-ng*" but in the kibana dashboard the only name i can enter that allows me to go to the next step is ".kibana" and that only works of I trigger the "include system index"-slider.

Did i miss something i should have done during set up of Kibana?
Will this only be possible once I started logging messages which feature this index?

Yes, you will need to have an index created in Elasticsearch to create the corresponding index pattern.

Thank you.
I just manged to send message to elasticsearch. The index appeared and i could create the pattern.

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