Can Significant text aggregation work on copy_to fields

I want to do a significant text aggregation on a field which was copied from few other fields (i.e. its a copy_to field)

 "combined_fields" : {
           "type" : "text",
         "store" : true,
         "norms" : false,
         "fielddata" : true,

The significant text aggregation

  GET MyIndex/_search
      "size" : 0,
      "query": {
        "range": {
          "creation_time": {
            "gte": 1617364155,
            "lte": 1617964155
      "aggregations": {
          "body_words" : {
              "significant_text" : { 
                "field" : "combined_fields",  
                "filter_duplicate_text": true

this works but no buckets are shown

  "aggregations" : {
     "body_words" : {
     "doc_count" : 121,
      "bg_count" : 1232212,       
"buckets" : [ ]

I do not see any way to add "docvalue_fields" to the aggregation

Is there any way to extract the aggregation keys when it comes to copy_to fields ?


  1. Significant text aggregation | Elasticsearch Guide [master] | Elastic

  2. copy_to | Elasticsearch Guide [7.12] | Elastic

The docs have an example here

Ah, RTFM indeed :slight_smile: I did not find it because I searched that page for "docvalue_fields" instead of "copy_to". Thanks Mark

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