Can we have alias to cluster ID in the URL?

we have setup a wildcard dns to the proxy endpoints.
but still , must all client connect to something like http://eb1f0e8c82dc4425b32250fb5b3d0ec5.... ??
and for Kibana we must use something different ?

can we have some alias  (somewhere )  when accessing a cluster  ? 
like :    http://my_cluster_alias.<cluster endpoint>:9200 .....


Hello @D.J,

Currently, ECE provides (Elasticsearch & Kibana) URL endpoints in a UUID & ECE region domain concatenated fashion as you describe.

We do have plans in our roadmap to support cluster aliases in a near term minor release, but there's no hard ETA to be shared at this time.

We have the same request. Our solution for this requires a few things in our nginx configuration.

      server {
      location / {
		proxy_pass http://proxies:9200;
		proxy_http_version 1.1;
		proxy_set_header Connection "Keep-Alive";
		proxy_set_header Proxy-Connection "Keep-Alive";
		proxy_set_header Host;

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