Can we use rest or API calls in steps in a journey for synthetic monitoring?

I am on 7.12 version and want to know if we can use api calls as steps in a journey. My goal is to monitor one service call which is a set of multiple calls. For example, getting a key/auth is step 1 and calling the real service is step 2. combination of both is journey for us.

Apologies for the delay. We would love to support API journeys at some point in the future, and in fact there's no real reason you can't do that today. The only thing stopping that would really be the fact that the uptime UI is not built around nongraphical actions. In other words you'd have a lot of screenshots of a blank browser.

You could simply use a JavaScript HTTP client in each step to hit your API.

That said, this isn't a use case we are currently optimizing for, but is one we would love to optimize for in the future.

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