Cannot able to send data from Jaeger to Elastic APM with APM secret token

Hi Team,

We are trying to send the data from jaeger to Elastic APM using the jaeger agent.

We are trying as per the elastic documentation. We are using below config.

  - --reporter.grpc.tls.enabled=true
  - --agent.tags="elastic-apm-auth=Bearer <secret-token>"

We are getting an error while running jaeger.

"msg":"Could not send spans over gRPC","error":"rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = authentication failed: missing or improperly formatted Authorization header: expected 'Authorization: Bearer secret_token' or 'Authorization: ApiKey base64(API key ID:API key)'"

Could you please hep us with this.

Solved by changing agent.tags with jaeger.tags.

  - --reporter.grpc.tls.enabled=true
  - --jaeger.tags=elastic-apm-auth=Bearer <secret-token>
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