Cannot connect to JIRA Cloud due to ':' in account id

I'm trying to connect to JIRA Cloud with the Elasticsearch Connector, but the attempt fails since my cloud id contains a colon (':').

The error message I get references the relevant RFC:\

[FMWK][08:57:58][ERROR] [Connector id: xxxxx, index name: mycompany-jira, Sync job id: xxxxxxxx] A ":" is not allowed in login (RFC 1945#section-11.1)

I've tried everything like omitting the colon, escaping it, urldecoding it, nothing works.

It'd be very important for our Enterprise project...

Theoretically url encoding it (replacing : with %3A) should work.

Do you receive different message when you do it?

Additionally, it really looks like a bug in the connector - it will help us prioritise and fix it if you submit a bug ticket here.

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Unfortunately even though url decoding makes the id RFC-compliant, but results in a 401 - unauthorized error.

After inspecting the code it turned out that the admin email account had to be entered as Jira Cloud service account id. (So something like and not the Cloud ID.)

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