Cannot copy file, the destination path is probably a directory and I attempted to write a file

kibana version: 6.2.3
When I run npm run release --force(release is a script under package.json: release: grunt release -v)

Cannot copy file, the destination path is probably a directory and I attempted to write a file. {:path=>"/etc/./
default/kibana", :staging=>"/tmp/package-dir-staging-90e75e0f4bacef21574c79a172d717a7c71a207d6a70959c4519fcc3657
6", :level=>:error, "method"=>"input"}  
Debian packaging tools generally labels all files in /etc as config files, as mandated by policy, so fpm default
s to this behavior for deb packages. You can disable this default behavior with --deb-no-default-config-files fl
ag {:level=>:warn}

As the error show above, it'll try to find a config file named /etc/default/kibana and it find this is a dir, instead of a file. But in fact , I cannot find a file/dir named kibana under /etc/default/.

How can I fix this without breaking kibana's config feature? Editting kibana source code is also acceptable.

Is it possible for you to post a full output of everything that happens when you run npm run release --force? I looked in the release script of our 6.2 branch but I didn't see anything that would trigger Debian packaging. There are Debian commands in another script but I'm not sure if that would be triggered.

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