Cannot retrieve .Id from 'docker inspect'

I am trying to build kibana docker with jenkins pipeline.
and am receiving the below error
Cannot retrieve .Id from 'docker inspect'

The same is getting downloaded and processed good for elastic search.

Docker file (example from elastic search website)


COPY kibana.yml /usr/share/kibana/config/kibana.yml

      `  stage('docker-build-and-tag-kibana') {
            steps {
                dir('kibana-docker') {
                    dockerCreateRepository credentialsId: config.dockerRegistryCredentials,
                        repository: "employee/emp-kibana"

                    dockerBuildAndPush tags: ["6.1.1"],
                        credentialsId: config.dockerRegistryCredentials, image: "employee/emp-kibana"

      `  stage('docker-build-and-tag-elasticsearch') {
            steps {
                dir('elasticsearch-docker') {
                    dockerCreateRepository credentialsId: config.dockerRegistryCredentials,
                        repository: "employee/emp-elasticsearch"

                    dockerBuildAndPush tags: ["6.1.1"],
                        credentialsId: config.dockerRegistryCredentials, image: "employee/emp-elasticsearch"

Hey @Fryder, if I pull the kibana docker image using:

docker pull

I'm able to run the following successfully:

docker inspect

This leads me to believe that the issue isn't with the kibana docker images, but the issue instead lies within the Jenkins pipeline.

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