Can't delete certain Indicies

so we had a crash on our elk cluster while i was on holiday. They rebooted it, and shit went crazy. The services could not bind to certain ports etc. etc. I Fixed all Issues now, but one is left which i just cannot get to solve. As a result of the crash, they tried to roll it back viá a VMware Snap. That left a lot of unassigned shards on all the indicies which were now "in the future", atleast the system thought so.I relocated them on all indicies which worked out just fine (Also closed a few older ones since we had 2000+ Shards, now we're at 1239), but there are those system indicies ".monitoring-kibana-****" and i also now know they'll like most likely vanish after 7 days but still the health of my cluster is RED.
Anyone got an idea how i can solve this?
The version used in this Cluster is 6.8.1

Thanks in advance!


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