Can't insert three.js scene in Kibana 5 developing my plugin

I am developing a 3D kibana plugin trying to insert a three.js 3D scene in Kibana and I can’t figure out how. I have been trying many different methods but the scene won’t show up. If not using Kibana, the following procedure always works:

    var idchart = $element.children().find(".3Dcubechart");

Actually, if I do the following it does work:

var idchart = $element.children().find(".3Dcubechart");
document.body. appendChild(renderer.domElement);

But obviously I don’t want to insert the 3D Scene directly in the body element. It shouldn’t be done that way in Kibana.

My html:

Do you have any ideas on what it could be failing?

For any additional information you can see my code on my github project

Hi Viorel,

I'm sorry, but right now we don't have enough resources to offer support for plugin development. Hopefully, we'll be able to help in the future.


Oh, ok. Thanks anyway cjcenizal