Can't merge a non object mapping [error.exception.stacktrace.vars.args] with an object mapping [error.exception.stacktrace.vars.args]

agent = python-apm
technology = django
index-mapping = dynamic

in error doc the error.exception.stacktrace.vars.args have the value:

"GET", "/hdshvjkdfhkghfdkjhgdfkhgjdks-2020.12.28/_search",

here {} is also coming which is not supported in text and so causing the non-object to object mapping mismatch.

We tried to map with nested, array, object and text but getting issues with the above doc excerpt.

Even in dynamic mapping, when we are sending the document with in a new index, there also we are getting .

Can't merge a non object mapping [error.exception.stacktrace.vars.args] with an object mapping [error.exception.stacktrace.vars.args].

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