I made a very minor typo which has placed one of my training instances in a broken state which I have been unable to recover.
I am taking the "Installing and Scaling ECE" training. When I went to add the third instance runner, I somehow deleted the "t" in the word "coordinator" in the following command:
bash <(curl -fsSL https://download.elastic.co/cloud/elastic-cloud-enterprise.sh) install --cloud-enterprise-version 2.1.1 --availability-zone myzone3 --roles "allocator,coordinator,director,proxy" --coordinator-host <IP> --roles-token
I am now unable to remove the runner. When I try to remove the roles on the web dashboard I get the following error:
"Errors: [Unknown role 'coordinaor]"
How do I remove and replace the broker runner so that I can resume the training?