Cant see correctly percentage in Timelion


As the following image show i am trying to calculate 4 things with timelion.

  1. number of orders in my erp

  2. numbers of orders in my erp one week ago

  3. the difference between previous numbers 1 and 2

  4. to show the same difference also as a percentage.

Steps 1,2,3 work fine. Nevertheless step 4 doesn't work.

The code that i use for each step respectively is the following:

.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order').label('Orders AX'),

.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order',offset=-1w).label('1 week ago'),

.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order').subtract(.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order',offset=-1w)).label("Difference previous week"),

.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order').subtract(.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order',offset=-1w)).divide(.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order')).label('Difference with previous week in Percentage')

What shall i correct in step 4 so i can also see the difference in percentage correctly?

Hi @Alexandros888,

Could you try adding it to your 4th script before .label:


Regards, Dzmitry


Thank you for your quick response.

I tried your change like that:

.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order').label('Orders AX'),

.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order',offset=-1w).label('1 week ago'),

.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order').subtract(.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order',offset=-1w)).label("Difference previous week"),

.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order').subtract(.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order',offset=-1w)).divide(.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order')).multiply(100).yaxis(units="custom::%").label('Difference with previous week in Percentage')

Unfortunately now it shows everything in percentage

i want only the fourth section in percentage


Since you have a mix of absolute and percentage values, try just using


It should fix the data.

Regards, Dzmitry

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Hello Dzmitry,

As you said i changed it like that:

.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order').subtract(.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order',offset=-1w)).divide(.es(index=connect-*, q='order_type:order and event_type.keyword:order')).multiply(100).label("Difference previous week in Percentage %")

and it worked :slight_smile:
Thank you very much !!!!

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