Can't separated elasticsearch index using logstash

Hello Guys,

I'm trying to create separated indexes using logstash 6.7, basically I have a server running filebeat which sends two logs to a logstash which sends to a elasticsearch, below you may find my config files.

#=========================== Filebeat inputs =============================


  • type: log

    • /logs/access.*log
    • /logs/access.*log
    • /logs/access.*log
    • /logs/access.*log
    • /logs/access.*log
    • /logs/access.*log
      log_type: rtdm-access
      jvm: "SASServer 7"
      team: "Middleware"
      system: "SAS - RTDM"
      env: "Production"
      role: "Engine"
      fields_under_root: true
      scan_frequency: 5s
  • type: log

    • /Logs/tomcatgc.log.?.current
    • /Logs/tomcatgc.log.?.current
    • /Logs/tomcatgc.log.?.current
    • /Logs/tomcatgc.log.?.current
    • /Logs/tomcatgc.log.?.current
    • /Logs/tomcatgc.log.?.current
      log_type: rtdm-gc
      jvm: "SASServer 7"
      team: "Middleware"
      system: "SAS - RTDM"
      env: "Production"
      role: "Engine"
      fields_under_root: true
      scan_frequency: 15s

#============================= Filebeat modules ===============================


Glob pattern for configuration loading

path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml

reload.enabled: false

#==================== Elasticsearch template setting ========================== "mdw_filebeat"
setup.template.pattern: "mdw_filebeat_*"
setup.template.fields: "fields.yml"
setup.template.overwrite: false
index.number_of_shards: 1
index.codec: best_compression

#----------------------------- Logstash output --------------------------------

The Logstash hosts

hosts: ["logstash-server1:9500" , "logstash-server2:9500"]
loadbalance: true

#================================ Processors =====================================

Configure processors to enhance or manipulate events generated by the beat.


  • add_host_metadata: ~
  • add_cloud_metadata: ~

logstash config file

output {
if [log_type] == "rtdm-access" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["elasticsearch-server1:9200",elasticsearch-server2:9200]
index => "access-rtdm"
else if [log_type] == "rtdm-gc" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["elasticsearch-server1:9200",elasticsearch-server2:9200]
index => "gc-rtdm"
#only for debugging
stdout { codec => rubydebug }


Note.: If I remove the IF/Else and configure to create a standard index this it creates, but unfortunately this is not what I need, can anyone please explain what I'm doing wrong?

Filebeat / Logstash and ElasticSearch version is 6.7

thanks in advance,

I would recommend you look at the events being output to stdout. I would expect the [log_type] field to actually be stored as [fields][log_type]. You may therefore need to change your conditionals to reflect this.


Thanks a lot mate, by modifying my logstash output from [log_type] to [fields][log_type] - I was able to see the indexes the way I wanted, thanks a lot for your help !

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