Canvas Expression failures


While using kibana canvas we are facing this error
"Expression failed with the message:

[essql] > Unexpected error from Elasticsearch: search_phase_execution_exception - Partial shards failure"

i dont know why it happens but problem randomly happens on different elements

this is an example of kql and expression

| essql
query="SELECT ,
WHEN LastBatchStatus = 'Failed' THEN 'red'
WHEN CurrentStatus = 'Overtime' THEN '#f5c542'
WHEN CurrentStatus = 'Failed' THEN 'red'
WHEN BatchControl = 'Kurulumlar baslamamistir.' THEN '#f5c542'
END AS LastBatchStatus
FROM "other-logs
WHERE host.hostname = 'p3gop21'
ORDER BY "@timestamp" DESC
| mapColumn "LastBatchStatus" expression={getCell "LastBatchStatus"}
| render
containerStyle={containerStyle backgroundColor={getCell "LastBatchStatus"} border={getCell "LastBatchStatus"} opacity="0.5"} css=".canvasRenderEl{
display: none;

beyond expression failure it works really fine can someone explain why it happens?

as you see below it happens randomly

Hi everyone,

problem was about my kibana query 'FROM "other-logs*"' this metric has too many indexes so data to eliminate was huge. I cleaned old indexes and now it works fine. Now i need to switch other-logs* wild card to something like other-logs-$date to inspect only last index