Change axis color in time series visual builder

Hi, I would like to change the axis color on my time series visual builder.

Is this possible?

Using Timelion visualization I can do it but I want to use the "time series visual builder" visualization. while using the white theme the axis color is grey and is hard to read.

I have tried going into the code of the visualization using Saved object and Inspected the visualization but here I can only find color-codes on the graphs and not the axis..

Here is the code of the visualization:

"title": "1.Graf",
"type": "metrics",
"params": {
"id": "61ca57f0-469d-11e7-af02-69e470af7417",
"type": "timeseries",
"series": [
"id": "61ca57f1-469d-11e7-af02-69e470af7417",
"color": "rgba(0,156,224,1)",
"split_mode": "everything",
"metrics": [
"id": "61ca57f2-469d-11e7-af02-69e470af7417",
"type": "sum",
"field": "totalUsage"
"separate_axis": 0,
"axis_position": "left",
"formatter": "number",
"chart_type": "line",
"line_width": "5",
"point_size": "5",
"fill": "0.4",
"stacked": "none",
"label": "Totalforbruk [m3]",
"override_index_pattern": 1,
"series_index_pattern": "sesam-dummydata-standardmodell",
"series_time_field": "date",
"split_color_mode": "gradient",
"type": "timeseries",
"series_interval": "1d",
"series_drop_last_bucket": 0
"id": "d5bc6d60-630a-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"color": "rgba(115,255,246,1)",
"split_mode": "everything",
"metrics": [
"id": "d5bc9470-630a-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"type": "avg",
"field": "lastTemperatureWaterValue"
"separate_axis": 1,
"axis_position": "right",
"formatter": "number",
"chart_type": "line",
"line_width": "3",
"point_size": 1,
"fill": "0",
"stacked": "none",
"label": "Vann temperatur (Målere) [°C]",
"type": "timeseries",
"override_index_pattern": 1,
"series_index_pattern": "sesam-dummydata-standardmodell",
"series_time_field": "lastTemperatureWaterUtc",
"axis_min": "-25",
"axis_max": "40",
"series_interval": "1d"
"id": "d6e36130-630a-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"color": "rgba(226,115,0,1)",
"split_mode": "everything",
"metrics": [
"id": "d6e36131-630a-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"type": "avg",
"field": "lastTemperatureAirValue"
"separate_axis": 1,
"axis_position": "right",
"formatter": "number",
"chart_type": "line",
"line_width": "3",
"point_size": 1,
"fill": "0",
"stacked": "none",
"label": "Lufttemperatur (Målere) [°C]",
"override_index_pattern": 1,
"series_index_pattern": "sesam-dummydata-standardmodell",
"series_time_field": "lastTemperatureAirUtc",
"type": "timeseries",
"axis_min": "-25",
"axis_max": "40",
"series_interval": "1d"
"id": "46af5ff0-630b-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"color": "rgba(211,49,21,1)",
"split_mode": "filter",
"metrics": [
"id": "46af5ff1-630b-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"type": "count"
"separate_axis": 0,
"axis_position": "left",
"formatter": "number",
"chart_type": "line",
"line_width": "3",
"point_size": 1,
"fill": "0",
"stacked": "none",
"override_index_pattern": 1,
"series_index_pattern": "sesam-dummydata-standardmodell",
"series_time_field": "date",
"terms_size": "15",
"terms_field": "lastAlarmCode.keyword",
"label": "Alarmcode 0 - Burst",
"split_color_mode": "gradient",
"value_template": "{{value}}",
"terms_order_by": "_count",
"axis_min": "0",
"axis_max": "2000",
"series_interval": "1d",
"steps": 0,
"filter": {
"query": "lastAlarmCode : 0",
"language": "kuery"
"terms_include": ""0""
"id": "7514b470-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"color": "rgba(252,220,0,1)",
"split_mode": "filter",
"metrics": [
"id": "7514b471-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"type": "count"
"separate_axis": 0,
"axis_position": "left",
"formatter": "number",
"chart_type": "line",
"line_width": "3",
"point_size": 1,
"fill": "0",
"stacked": "none",
"label": "Alarmcode 1 - Dry",
"override_index_pattern": 1,
"series_index_pattern": "sesam-dummydata-standardmodell",
"series_time_field": "date",
"split_filters": [
"color": "rgba(171,20,158,1)",
"id": "f17fe6b0-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"filter": {
"query": "",
"language": "kuery"
"filter": {
"query": "lastAlarmCode : 1",
"language": "kuery"
"series_interval": "1d",
"axis_max": "2000",
"axis_min": "0"
"id": "78c20500-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"color": "rgba(250,40,255,1)",
"split_mode": "filter",
"metrics": [
"id": "78c20501-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"type": "count"
"separate_axis": 0,
"axis_position": "left",
"formatter": "number",
"chart_type": "line",
"line_width": "3",
"point_size": 1,
"fill": "0",
"stacked": "none",
"label": "Alarmcode 2 - Leak + Burst",
"override_index_pattern": 1,
"series_index_pattern": "sesam-dummydata-standardmodell",
"series_time_field": "date",
"split_filters": [
"filter": {
"query": "",
"language": "kuery"
"label": "",
"color": "rgba(250,40,255,1)",
"id": "f070c0a0-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b"
"type": "timeseries",
"filter": {
"query": "lastAlarmCode : 2",
"language": "kuery"
"series_interval": "1d",
"axis_max": "2000",
"axis_min": "0"
"id": "79202a90-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"color": "rgba(164,221,0,1)",
"split_mode": "filter",
"metrics": [
"id": "79202a91-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"type": "count"
"separate_axis": 0,
"axis_position": "left",
"formatter": "number",
"chart_type": "line",
"line_width": "3",
"point_size": 1,
"fill": "0",
"stacked": "none",
"label": "Alarmcode 3 - Leak",
"override_index_pattern": 1,
"series_index_pattern": "sesam-dummydata-standardmodell",
"series_time_field": "date",
"split_filters": [
"color": "rgba(164,221,0,1)",
"id": "ef68ed90-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"filter": {
"query": "",
"language": "kuery"
"filter": {
"query": "lastAlarmCode : 3",
"language": "kuery"
"series_interval": "1d",
"axis_min": "0",
"axis_max": "2000"
"id": "8c2f02f0-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"color": "rgba(104,204,202,1)",
"split_mode": "filter",
"metrics": [
"id": "8c2f02f1-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"type": "count"
"separate_axis": 0,
"axis_position": "left",
"formatter": "number",
"chart_type": "line",
"line_width": "3",
"point_size": 1,
"fill": "0",
"stacked": "none",
"label": "Alarmcode 4 - Reverse",
"override_index_pattern": 1,
"series_index_pattern": "sesam-dummydata-standardmodell",
"series_time_field": "date",
"split_filters": [
"color": "rgba(174,161,255,1)",
"id": "ee29b6d0-630c-11ea-9d18-07f7f37b3b8b",
"filter": {
"query": "",
"language": "kuery"
"filter": {
"query": "lastAlarmCode : 4",
"language": "kuery"
"series_interval": "1d",
"axis_min": "0",
"axis_max": "2000"
"id": "1f52faa0-675e-11ea-a912-9d611185f582",
"color": "rgba(253,161,255,1)",
"split_mode": "filter",
"metrics": [
"id": "1f52faa1-675e-11ea-a912-9d611185f582",
"type": "avg",
"field": "temperatur"
"separate_axis": 1,
"axis_position": "right",
"formatter": "number",
"chart_type": "line",
"line_width": "3",
"point_size": 1,
"fill": "0",
"stacked": "none",
"label": "Lufttemperatur (MET) [°C]",
"type": "timeseries",
"override_index_pattern": 1,
"series_index_pattern": "sesam-klimadata*",
"series_time_field": "dato",
"split_filters": [
"color": "#68BC00",
"id": "2b7ed2e0-675e-11ea-a912-9d611185f582",
"filter": {
"query": "",
"language": "kuery"
"filter": {
"query": "bruksomraade.keyword : "Hvaler" ",
"language": "kuery"
"series_interval": "1h"
"time_field": "",
"index_pattern": "",
"interval": "1M",
"axis_position": "left",
"axis_formatter": "number",
"axis_scale": "normal",
"show_legend": 1,
"show_grid": 1,
"default_index_pattern": "sesam-dummydata-standardmodell",
"default_timefield": "date",
"isModelInvalid": false

Hi @jogabonito,

It looks like the colors for the axis are hard coded without a workaround at this time.

Feel free to create a new enhancement request in the Kibana repository if Timelion doesn't work for you:

Thanks @mikecote
I will post a new request on github

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