Changing mappings of some group of ids without affecting other documents

I have document sets that have their own ids. Each document set has some documents that have their ids. I am trying to figure out a way to update the mapping of all documents of a set without affecting the mappings of the documents that belong to other sets. By updating I mean to add custom analyzers to the fields. There analyzers are defined in the settings. For this I got a suggestion of using shared types like this:

PUT /test_index/
  "settings": {
    "": "default",
    "index": {
        "number_of_shards": 5,
        "number_of_replicas": 1,
        "refresh_interval": "60s"
    "analysis": {
        "filter": {
            "porter_stemmer_en_EN": {
                "type": "stemmer",
                "name": "porter"
            "default_stop_name_en_EN": {
                "type": "stop",
                "name": "_english_"
            "snowball_stop_words_en_EN": {
                "type": "stop",
                "stopwords_path": "snowball.stop"
            "smart_stop_words_en_EN": {
                "type": "stop",
                "stopwords_path": "smart.stop"
            "shingle_filter_en_EN": {
                "type": "shingle",
                "min_shingle_size": "2",
                "max_shingle_size": "2",
                "output_unigrams": true

PUT /my-index/document_set/_mapping
  "properties": {
    "type": {
      "type": "string",
      "index": "not_analyzed"
    "doc_id": {
      "type": "string",
      "index": "not_analyzed"
    "plain_text": {
      "type": "string",
      "store": true,
      "index": "analyzed"
    "pdf_text": {
      "type": "attachment",
      "fields": {
        "pdf_text": {
          "type": "string",
          "store": true,
          "index": "analyzed"

POST /my-index/document_set/1
  "type": "d1",
  "doc_id": "1",
  "plain_text": "simple text for doc1."

POST /my-index/document_set/2
  "type": "d1",
  "doc_id": "2",
  "pdf_text": "cGRmIHRleHQgaXMgaGVyZS4="

POST /my-index/document_set/3
  "type": "d2",
  "doc_id": "3",
  "plain_text": "simple text for doc3 in d2."

POST /my-index/document_set/4
  "type": "d2",
  "doc_id": "4",
  "pdf_text": "cGRmIHRleHQgaXMgaGVyZSBpbiBkMi4="

// To get documents grouped by their document set ids
GET /my-index/document_set/_search
  "query" : {
    "filtered" : {
      "filter" : {
        "term" : {
          "type" : "d1"

Now I have 4 documents where document 1,2 are in group d1 and document 3,4 are in d2. How can I update the mapping only for one group without affecting the other group's mapping. I can get the documents per group using the search query given in the end.

There can 1000 of such document sets having ~10000 documents.

Any help/suggestion would be appreciated.

You can't because they are both of the same _type.
You need to reindex.

So what should I be doing in this situation?

I thought of creating aliases for each of the document sets but updating settings for any of the aliases results in update of settings for all aliases.

Should I be going with creating separate index for all sets? Is there a limit to no. of indices?

Again, this is because they are the same _type.

It'd be easier to put them into their own index, especially since ES 2.0 will remove the ability to have multiple _types in the same index.

Ok I'll make separate index for all types.

You mean multi_field will be removed in the next release?

Is there any limit on the no. of indices? The application that I am working on does not a lot of query volumes/requests. So, if I keep ~10000 indices which will have a total of ~15 Million documents, is there anything I should keep in mind?

That seems like a lot, you may run into issues with resources there, so you may want to refactor your doc structure.

Multi field is not being removed, check out

It is more like the projected no. of document sets. It might be less than that as well.

What exactly do you mean by refactoring my document structure?

Figure out a way to put the docs in the same index, normalise the format to remove the specific mapping or to make it applicable for multiple documents.

Analysis has to be done on the documents belonging to one particular set. Each set can have separate analyzers associated with it. So, I don't think normalizing would be possible. Even if I create a single index, my queries will be confined to one particular document set.