Check if an array contains some value


Let's say I have created a field like this:

"market": [
              "name":  ["name1","name2","name3","name4","name5" ]

Now, I want to check if the field "name" contains the value "name3".

I've tried this filter, but it doesn't work.

filter {
elasticsearch {
				hosts => "localhost:9200"
				query => ''
				sort => "_id:asc"				 		
				fields => {host_machine =>  'host_machine' }

But it doesn't do anything (no crash, no error message, just doesn't do anything).

What am I doing wrong?

I could create a query_string:

GET admin/markets/_search
"query": {
    "nested" : {
        "path" : "market",
        "query" : {
            "bool" : {
                "filter" : 
                   {"query_string" : {
                       "query" : ""

It works fine, but I want to formulate it in elasticsearch plugin.

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