Complete ELK Data migration between 2 clusters


I have two ELK stack instances on my local machine with version [7.5.1 and 8.4.3].
Now I need to migrate the data from the old version cluster to the new version cluster.


  1. What would be the right approach for data migration
    a. I want to migrate the elastic-search data and Kibana dashboards and alerts data. is it possible?
    b. There should be zero downtime in the application.
    c. There shouldn't be a data loss scenario

Could you please suggest the right approach?

Thanks and regards,
Suraj Jannu

The easiest and safest way would probably be to first upgrade the 7.5.1 instance to 7.17 and run the migration tool to identify any issues. Once any issues has been fixed you should be able to upgrade this node to the latest 8.x version.

I am not sure whether system indices require migration or not, and going to 7.17 and running the migration tool would solve that problem and reduce risk.

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