Completion suggester fuzziness ranks typos over exact matches

I am using the completion suggester for predictive search with fuzziness enabled and am finding that the ranking is favouring typos over exact matches. I.e. in Kiban I use this
GET /index/typeahead/_search
"_source": ["suggest"],
"size": 10,
"suggestions": {
"prefix": "meat ",
"completion": {
"field": "suggest",
"size": 10,
"fuzzy": {
"min_length": 2,
"prefix_length": 1,
"fuzziness": "AUTO"

and get back results like meadow etc.
while removing fuzziness completeley like this:
GET /index/typeahead/_search
"_source": ["suggest"],
"size": 7,
"suggestions" :
"prefix" : "meat ",
"completion" :
"field" : "suggest"

returns results with the word meat in them.

some help to get word matches to be ranked higher than typos would be appreaciated.

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