Completion Suggester not showing results if value is already in previous field

I experience a problem with the completion suggester in Elasticsearch 7.9.1 (also present in 6.7)

If I have more than one suggest input with the same value for different contexts it will only find a completion for the first one, not the second.

The suggest Part of the Document looks like this.

		"input": [
		"contexts": {
			"FIELD": [
		"input": [
		"contexts": {
			"FIELD": [

Both contein the input "Notbremse" But if I search for "Notbre" with the contexts FIELD "TITSPLABST" I get no results. But if I search for "Notbre" with the contexts FIELD "DESKT" i get the expected result. It depends on the order of the input fields in the document. if i change the order that the input field for "TITSPLABST" is before the other then it works.

How to reproduce:
create index:

PUT /suggest_test?pretty
	"settings" : {
		"index.mapping.nested_fields.limit" : 60,
		"number_of_replicas" : 1,
		"number_of_shards" : 6,
		"index" : {
			"analysis" : {
				"char_filter" : {
					"umlaut_filter" : {
						"type" : "mapping",
						"mappings" : ["\u00c4=>ae", "\u00e4=>ae", "\u00d6=>oe", "\u00f6=>oe", "\u00dc=>ue", "\u00fc=>ue", "\u00df=>ss", "\u00c6=>Ae", "\u00e6=>ae", "\u00d8=>Oe", "\u00f8=>oe"]
					"underscore_pattern" : {
						"type" : "pattern_replace",
						"pattern" : "\\_",
						"replacement" : ""
				"tokenizer" : {
					"sd_tokenizer" : {
						"type" : "pattern",
						"pattern" : "[^\\p{N}\\p{L}#]+",
						"group" : "-1"
				"filter" : {
					"prefixFilter" : {
				               "type" : "pattern_capture",
				               "preserve_original" : true,
				               "patterns" : [
				"analyzer" : {
					 "default": {
						"type" : "custom",
						"tokenizer" : "sd_tokenizer",
						"char_filter" : ["umlaut_filter", "underscore_pattern"],
						"filter" : ["lowercase", "asciifolding"]
					"prefixAnalyzer": {
						"tokenizer" : "sd_tokenizer",
						"char_filter" : ["umlaut_filter", "underscore_pattern"],
						"filter" : ["prefixFilter","lowercase", "asciifolding"]
					"same_analyzer": {
						"type" : "custom",
						"tokenizer" : "keyword",
						"char_filter" : ["umlaut_filter", "underscore_pattern"],
						"filter" : ["lowercase", "asciifolding"]
					"online_rechte_analyzer": {
						"type" : "custom",
						"tokenizer" : "sd_tokenizer",
						"filter": ["lowercase"]
	"mappings": {
			"_source" : {
				"enabled" : true
			"dynamic" : "strict",
			"properties" : {
				"AK" : {
					"properties" : {
						"TITLE" : {
							"type" : "text"
						"TEXT" : {
							"type" : "text"
			"SUGGEST": {
					"type": "completion",
					"analyzer": "default",
					"preserve_separators": true,
					"preserve_position_increments": true,
					"max_input_length": 25,
					"contexts": [
							"name": "FIELD",
							"type": "category"

Put Document in it:

POST /suggest_test/_doc?refresh=true
	"AK": [
			"TITLE": "Die Notbremse tritt in Kraft",
			"TEXT": [
				"Inzidenz von 99,9, ab 100 soll die vereinbarte 'Notbremse' in Kraft treten.\n\n(O-Ton) Angela Merkel: \"Werden leider von der Notbremse Gebrauch machen muessen\" \n(O-Ton) Michael Kretschmer: Schnell umsteuern \n(O-Ton) Malu Dreyer: Oeffnung Aussengastronomie bei Kontaktbeeschraenkungen \n(O-Ton) Manuela Schwesig: Contro Reisen nach Mallorca, aber nicht im eigenen Bundesland \n(O-Ton) Angela Merkel: \"Devise lautet: Impfen, impfen, impfen \n(O-Ton) Ulrich Weigelt: Die Menschen moechten beim Hausarzt geimpft werden \n(O-Ton) Manuela Schwesig: (Impfstoff Sputnik V) Impfstoff muss sicher sein, Herkunft darf nicht entscheidend sein"
			"input": [
			"contexts": {
				"FIELD": [
			"input": [
			"contexts": {
				"FIELD": [

Search for completion of "Notbrem" in contexts FIELD TITSPLABST (TITSPLABST is just a name from the Java context)

POST suggest_test/_search?pretty
    "suggest": {
        "hfdb-suggest" : {
            "prefix" : "Notbrem", 
            "completion" : { 
                "field" : "SUGGEST" ,"skip_duplicates":false,"contexts":{

no result

Now search for "Notbrem" in contexts FFIELD DESKT

POST suggest_test/_search?pretty
    "suggest": {
        "hfdb-suggest" : {
            "prefix" : "Notbrem", 
            "completion" : { 
                "field" : "SUGGEST" ,"skip_duplicates":false,"contexts":{

Now I get a result.

I expected a result in the first query but didn't get one.
Could anybody please help me with this issue?

And if i missed some needed information i could provide it here.

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